'개발/시스템'에 해당되는 글 4

  1. 2009.03.16 대충의 JBoss-4.2.3 GA 릴리즈 노트 정리
  2. 2009.03.16 JBoss 5.0.0 변경 내역 1
  3. 2009.03.10 JBoss 설정하기 1
  4. 2009.01.09 netstat의 TCP 연결 상태 의미
개발/시스템 | Posted by 은우 아빠 2009. 3. 16. 15:15

대충의 JBoss-4.2.3 GA 릴리즈 노트 정리

 Release Name: JBoss-4.2.3.GA

JBoss AS 4.2.3.GA Release Notes

이번 릴리즈는 JBoss Application Server v4.2 시리즈의 세번째 버그 픽스 릴리즈이다. 이 릴리즈는 커뮤니티에서 보고된 
JBossAS v4.2.x릴리즈에 대한 버그를 수정한 것이다. 이전 버전인 4.2.0/4.2.1/4.2.2에 대한 하위버전 호환성이 있으므로 
그냥 업그레이드 해도 된다. 자세한 내용은 상세 릴리즈 노트 섹션을 참고하십시오.

이 릴리즈의 두번째 목정은 Java6에 대한 지원이 향상되었다는 것이다. JBossAS 4.2.3.GA는 JDK5와 JDK6을 이용하여 빌드가 
가능하다. JDK5 컴파일된 바이너리는 엄격한 테스트를 거쳐서 안정성을 보장할 수 있고, Java 5&6 VM에서 동작한다.( JDK6에 대해서
약간의 설정 변경이 필요하다. 아래를 참조 ) JDK6으로 컴파일된 버전은 JDBC 4 API를 지원한다. 그러나 지금 시점에서는 실험적이라고
JBoss AS 4.2 는 5.대 버전으로 넘어가는 과정에 있고, 5.대의 좋은 기능들을 (4.대 커널에 맞추어) 일부 적용하고 있다.  

JBoss AS 4.2는 또한 JBoss Enterprise Application Platform의 중심축이다. JBoss AS와 JBoss Seam이 패키징되어 제공되는 상용 Application
플랫폼은 JBoss/Red Hat에 의해 제공된다. 자세한 정보는 Sacha의 블로그를 읽어보시라.

Java EE 1.4 를 구현한 API에 대한 내용은 Java EE v1.4 문서에 있다. Java EE 1.4에 대한 깊은 이해가 필요하면,Java EE™ 1.4 Tutorial를 읽어보라.
jboss-4.2.x 시작하기 안내 문서는 JBoss Application Server 문서 목록에 포함되어 있다.

Note: 4.2.x 릴리즈에서는 EJB3같은, 일부 JavaEE5 기능을 제공한다. 그러나 이는 Java EE5 인증을 받지 않았다.


    * Highlights
    * Known Compatibility Issues
    * Known Configuration Issues
    * JBoss/Thirdparty Library Updates
    * Detailed Release Notes
    * Additional Docs and Help
    * Licenses
    * About JBoss

Highlights of JBoss AS 4.2 series

    * JBoss EJB3는 기본적으로 JBossAS 4.2.x에 포함되어 배포된다. JDK5에 기반하고 있기 때문에, 좀더 편리한 점이 있다. 더 이상 
    jdk1.4 런타임용 소스를 관리하지 않아도 된다. 기본적으로 jdk5에서 실행된다고, 가정한다.
    * JBoss Web v2.x는 JBossAS 4.2에 포함되는 웹 컨테이너이고, Apache Tomcat에 기반하여 구현되었다. Tomcat에는 Apache Portable Runtime(APR)이 포함되고, 
    Apache Http 서버에 필적하거나 능가하는 tomcat의 native 대용량 처리와 성능 관련 특징들이 포함되어 있다. 
    이 native 라이브러리가 없으면 JBoss Web은 표준 non-native connector mode로 동작한다. native library는 별개로 다운로드하여 JBOSS_HOME/bin/native에 설치해야한다.
    * Jboss Transactions v4.2는 JBossAS 4.2의 기본 트랜잭션 관리자이다. Jboss 트랜잭션은 18년간 산업현장에서 분산 트랜잭션분야의 선두로 이요되었고 검증되었다.
    JBoss 트랜잭션의 JTA버전은 완전히 복구 가능한 트랜잭션을 제공한다. 분산 트랜잭션 지원을 위해서 JBoss 트랜잭션의 JTS버전이 필요하다.
    또한, 언제나 과거의  JBossTM fast in-memory transaction manager 로 되돌릴 수도 있다. (단,구버전은 더이상 지원이 없을 것이다.)
    * JBoss WS는 JBoss 4.2와 함께 제공되는 웹 서비스 스택이다.
    * JGroups/JBossCache는 필요한경우 이용할 수 있는, 채널 다중화 를 제공한다.
    * JBoss Remoting는 최신 2.2.x버전으로 업그레이드 되었다.  이는 새로운 JBoss Messaging을 필요로 하는 써드파트 라이브러리에 대한
    의존성을 해결하기 위한 것이다. 즉, 특별한 개발 없이 JBossMQ 메시징 프로바이더를 JBoss Messaging으로 바꿀수 있다는 의미이다.

Compatibility Issues
This lists the changes that could affect compatibility.

우리의 제품 버전 원칙에 의해 JBossAS 4.2.3는 4.2.x 버전과 완벽히 일치한다. 그러나, 개별적인 JBoss나 써드파티 라이브러리 역시 그런지
확인하고 싶을것이다. 이전 버전의 JBoss 릴리즈와 관련된 이슈에 대해 다음에 대해 체크할 필요가 있다.  :
(신버전 설치와 무관하므로 패스함)

JBossAS 4.2.2.GA

    * JBossWS 1.2.1 supported JAX-WS only as a technology preview while JBossWS 2.0.1 used in AS 4.2.2 provides full 
JAX-WS support. If you have used in your code the annotation org.jboss.ws.annotation.WebContext this must be 
replaced by org.jboss.wsf.spi.annotation.WebContext.
    * JBoss WS 1.0.x due to a deployer limitation used a proprietary .jse extension for deploying WS endpoints 
nested in .sar files. This was deprecated with JBoss WS 1.2.x. and with JBoss WS 2.x this proprietary extension is 
not supported anymore as it is possible to use the standard .war extension for deploying nested WS endpoints. If you 
see: INIT_WAITING_DEPLOYER error messages for .jse files, re-package them using a .war extension, JBWS-1854.
    * Another known limitation is that EJB3 web service endpoints can only be specified using annotations and not 
metadata in jboss.xml. This is something that will be addressed in a future release, JBAS-4852, JBWS-1813.
    * Finding the default local business interface on a ejb3 bean may not work in certain inheritance scenarios. 
You may workaround this known problem by annotating the local business interface. Read more about this at EJBTHREE-1062.
    * EJB Timer related fixes, JBAS-3379, JBAS-4053.
    * JBossMQ related fixes, JBAS-4525, JBAS-4555, JBAS-4559, JBAS-4607, JBAS-4625, JBAS-4699
    * JSP compiler now set to compile JDK 1.5 source code by default, JBAS-4605.
    * The mail-ra.rar resource adapter was missing from the distro, JBAS-4659.
    * HSQLDB (which shouldn't be used in production) v1.8.0.8 has a known bug when used in server mode, 
JBAS-4694. This doesn't affect the default jboss installation where HSQLDB is used in in-process mode.
    * Serialization of HomeHandleImplIIOP has changed. In the unlikely case of a compatibility problem, define the 
system property 
to fall back to the legacy serialization mode, JBAS-4801. 

JBossAS 4.2.1.GA

    * JBoss TS, the new default transaction manager will not let you enlist multiple 1-phase participants in the 
same transaction. This was *not* the default behavior with the legacy JBoss TM that would log a warning and continue. 
There are good reasons for this change, mainly to avoid heuristic outcomes in the case of system crashes, which is 
the primary reason of using a transaction manager anyway! If your come across this problem you should try to fix it 
by switching to XA resources or implementing some form of compensating transactions. However, if this is not option 
and you are fully aware of the consequences you can override this behavior by setting com.arjuna.ats.jta.allowMultipleLastResources 
to true in conf/jbossjta-properties.xml. For more details read the wiki on Multiple1PC, or consult the JBoss 
Transactions documentation.
    * A major problem related to the cleaning up of threads after user transaction timeouts was corrected in JBAS-4481. 
If you happen to be using User Transactions make sure you follow the correct pattern for committing or rolling them back.
    * Another serious classloading issue that could lead to a hanging JBoss with a 100% CPU utilization was fixed with JBAS-4441.

JBossAS 4.2.0.GA

    * A JavaSE 5 runtime is required to run JBossAS 4.2. A full JDK with tools.jar support is no longer needed by 
jboss, since JBoss Web packages the eclipse JDT compiler for compiling JSP pages and javassist has its own internal 
compiler. JAVA_HOME can point to a JRE, JBAS-4161.
    * When compared to previous 4.0.x releases, the various JBoss APIs should be stable but backwards compatibility for 
individual component implementations may not be guaranteed, e.g. interoperating with another JBoss instance that uses 
an older version of JGroups.
    * Tomcat 6 is now bundled as part of JBoss Web. deploy/jbossweb-tomcat55.sar has been replaced by deploy/jboss-web.deployer.
    * conf/log4j.xml has been renamed to conf/jboss-log4j.xml, to allow log4j.properties override from scoped 
deployments, JBAS-1853.
    * log4j and commons-logging have both been upgraded. commons-logging is patched in addition, JBAS-2823.
    * Since the latest log4j includes a trace level, there is no need to reference the custom jboss TRACE level in 
conf/jboss-log4j.xml configs, JBAS-4163.
      Instead of: <category name="org.jboss.system"><priority value="TRACE" class="org.jboss.logging.XLevel"/></category>
      you can use: <category name="org.jboss.system"><priority value="TRACE"/></category>
    * Better integration with WebSphere MQ 5.x, JBAS-3183.
    * The MyFaces JSF implementation has been replaced by the Glassfish JSF 1.2 one, JBAS-3897.
    * Hibernate, hibernate-annotations and hibernate-entity-manager have all been upgraded. to v3.2.1.
    * The default invoker for EJBs has been changed from the rmi-invoker to the unified-invoker, provided by JBoss 
Remoting, JBAS-3950.
    * Apache commons http-client and apache-codec were removed from jbossall-client.jar, JBAS-4365.
    * The address that is stored in the host portion of the RMI codebase URL can now be set correctly, JBAS-3325.
    * The java2ClassLoadingCompliance setting in jboss-web.xml was ignored; this has been fixed, JBAS-3047.
    * In JBoss 4.2 the unified invokers based on JBoss Remoting are the default transport for accessing EJBs. 
Using the unified invokers JBoss 4.2 can interoperate safely with JBoss AS 4.0.4.GA/4.0.5.GA, using the flag 
-Djboss.remoting.pre_2_0_compatible=true on the JBoss 4.2.x side. For interoperating with older JBoss AS versions 
(3.2.8.SP1 to 4.0.3.SP1) the legacy rmi or pooled invokers need to be used. See JBAS-4407 and the wiki page on JBoss 
Version Compatibility.

Configuration Issues
This lists the changes that could affect configuration.
JBossAS 4.2.3.GA

    * JBossAS 4.2.3.GA 는 Java5,Java6과 모두 사용될 수 있다. Java5로 컴파일된 바이너리가 메인 배포본이다. 이는 Java5&6환경에서
    철저한 테스트를 거쳤다. Java6에서 실행할때는 다음 라이브러리를 JBOSS_HOME/client 에서 JBOSS_HOME/lib/endorsed directory로
    복사해야한다. 그래야 JBossWS에서 JAX-WS 2.0을 사용할 수 있다.:
          o jboss-jaxrpc.jar
          o jboss-jaxws.jar
          o jboss-jaxws-ext.jar
          o jboss-saaj.jar
          o jaxb-api.jar
    * Sun Java 6과 이용할때, 문제가 발생하면 -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true 를 사용하라. 
    Java6에서는 다른 몇가지 잠재적인 문제가 있다.:
          o ORB getting prematurely destroyed when using Sun JDK 6 (see Sun Bug ID: 6520484)
          o Unimplemented methods in Hibernate for JDK6 interfaces.
    * Java6으로 컴파일된 JBossAS 4.2.3 에서는  확장 JDBC 4 API를 사용할 수 있다. 이는 Java6 환경에서만 사용가능하다.
    수동으로 설정해야 하는 것은 없다. 단, 실험적인 상태라는 것을 명심해야한다.

JBossAS 4.2.2.GA

    * Extensions to LdapExtLoginModule, JBAS-4619.
    * Escape syntax for mysql and postgresql in jboss CMP, JBAS-4463.
    * Introduced a new system property org.jboss.mx.loading.UnifiedLoaderRepository.notifyMode to 
provide fine-grained control over the emission of notifications whenever Unified Classloaders are created. 
Classloader leaks can appear if those notifications are send to remote jmx agents, so the usage of the flag can 
avoid this problem, JBAS-4953. 

JBossAS 4.2.1.GA

    * %PATH% is not removed from java.library.path in the presence of JAVA_HOME/bin/native, so e.g. native jdbc 
drivers can be loaded, JBAS-4418.

JBossAS 4.2.0.GA

    * JBossAS now binds its services to localhost ( *by default*, instead of binding to all 
available interfaces ( This was primarily done for security reasons because of concerns of users going to 
production without having secured their servers properly. To enable remote access by binding JBoss services to a 
particular interface, simply run jboss with the -b option. To bind to all available interfaces and re-enable the 
legacy behaviour use -b In any case, be aware you still need to secure you server properly.
    * There now distinct properties to configure the various mcast ports, JBAS-4021.
    * When running under Linux, run.sh forces the use of IPv4, due to a jdk bug, JBAS-4332.
    * JBoss EJB3 is now included by default. If you don't need/want EJB3 support, simply remove deploy/ejb3.deployer.
    * When using native libraries for JBoss Web store them in JBOSS_HOME/bin/native, which is automatically included 
in the classpath, JBAS-4162.
    * JBoss Transactions is the new default transaction manager in JBoss. It is configured in 
conf/jboss-service.xml and has additional properties defined in conf/jbossjta-properties.xml. The transaction 
log is stored by default at server/default/data/tx-object-store.
    * If you are on Red Hat Linux, check out the changes in bin/jboss_init_redhat.sh, JBAS-4041.
    * The JBossAS distributions usually include the installer (.jar), the sources (.tar.gz) and the canonical 
binary release (.zip). Unzipping the binary distribution (.zip) with a native unzip utility will restore correctly 
the executable permission in the /bin/*.sh files. However, unzipping using the JDK jar utility ignores the executable 
bit, so this need to be set manually.
    * bin/shutdown.sh no longer sources run.conf, JBAS-4155.

Library Updates
For a full list of the JBoss and thirdparty libraries used with JBoss AS 4.2.3 see  build-thirdparty.xml.
JBossAS 4.2.3.GA

JBoss Library Updates

    * javassist upgraded to v3.8.0.GA (from v3.6.0.GA)
    * jboss cache upgraded to v1.4.1.SP9 (from v1.4.1.SP5)
    * jboss jaxr upgraded to v1.2.0.SP1 (from v1.2.0.GA)
    * jboss transactions upgraded to v4.2.3.SP7 (from v4.2.3.SP6)
    * jboss ws upgraded to v3.0.1 / native v2.0.4 (from v2.0.1.SP2)
    * jboss xb upgraded to v1.0.0.SP3 (from v1.0.0.SP1)
    * jboss remoting upgraded to v2.2.2.SP8 (from v2.2.2.SP1)

Thirdparty Library Updates

    * jfreechart upgraded to v1.0.2 (from v0.9.20)
    * oswego-concurrent upgraded to v1.3.4-jboss-update1 (from v1.3.4-jboss)
    * sun-jsf upgraded to v1.2_09-b01 (from v1.2_04_P02)
    * codehaus-jettison was introduced at v1.0-RC2

JBossAS 4.2.2.GA
JBoss Library Updates

    * javassist upgraded to v3.6.0.GA (from v3.5.0.GA)
    * jboss aop upgraded to v1.5.6.GA (from 1.5.5.GA)
    * jboss cache upgraded to v1.4.1.SP5 (from 1.4.1.SP3)
    * jboss common upgraded to v1.2.1.GA (from v1.2.0.GA)
    * jboss remoting upgraded to v2.2.2.SP1 (from v2.2.1.GA)
    * jboss ts upgraded to v4.2.3.SP6 (from v4.2.3.SP5)
    * jboss web upgraded to v2.0.1.GA (from v2.0.0.GA)
    * jboss ws upgraded to v2.0.1.SP2 (from v1.2.1.GA)
    * jboss xb upgraded to v1.0.0.SP1 (from v1.0.0.GA)
    * jgroups upgraded to v2.4.1.SP4 (from v2.4.1.SP3)

Thirdparty Library Updates

    * hsqldb upgraded to v1.8.0.8 (from v1.8.0.2)
    * jacorb upgraded to v2.3.0jboss.patch5 (from v2.3.0jboss.patch4)
    * oswego-concurrent upgraded to v1.3.4-jboss (from v1.3.4)

JBossAS 4.2.1.GA
JBoss Library Updates

    * hibernate, upgraded to v3.2.4.SP1_CP01 (from v3.2.3.GA)
    * jboss-ts14, upgraded to v4.2.3.SP5 (from v4.2.3.SP3)
    * jboss-remoting, upgraded to v2.2.1.GA (from v2.2.0.SP4)

Thirdparty Library Updates

    * jacorb, upgraded to v2.3.0jboss.patch4 (from v2.2.4jboss.patch1)
    * sun-jsf, upgraded to v1.2_04_P02 (from v1.2_04_P01)

Detailed Release Notes
Feature Request

    * [ JBAS-3051 ] change jmx console title to display the name of the jboss server configuration with the machine name
    * [ JBAS-4156 ] [jmx-console] Add additional informatin to page header
    * [ JBAS-4455 ] LoadBalancePolicy that tries to pin all requests associated with a tx to one server
    * [ JBAS-4501 ] JBoss AS 4.2 won't build with JDK 1.6
    * [ JBAS-4804 ] GenericHeaderAuthenticator injection of ssoid, sessioncookie name
    * [ JBAS-4986 ] Remove compile-time dependency on Debugger from ClusterPartition
    * [ JBAS-5035 ] MySQLValidConnectionChecker has driver name com.mysql.jdbc.Driver hard coded
    * [ JBAS-5139 ] Support injection-target properties within service-ref declarations
    * [ JBAS-5704 ] Provide JAAS credentials in org.jboss.ant.JMX task so that calls can be made to security protected MBeans


    * [ JBAS-1901 ] web-console shows dead archives after redeploy
    * [ JBAS-2477 ] Exception in web-console j2ee domain after undeploy of application
    * [ JBAS-3402 ] Web Console and Firefox
    * [ JBAS-3406 ] JMX Console throws 500 exception on regular expressions
    * [ JBAS-3637 ] twiddle ignores environment properties when creating its InitialContext
    * [ JBAS-4246 ] JBoss logo not displayed for web status when accessed from web console
    * [ JBAS-4287 ] run.sh can consume 100% single CPU resources on Solaris
    * [ JBAS-4343 ] NullPointerException causing bad password exception in LdapLoginModule when the role attribute is not set for a given entry
    * [ JBAS-4453 ] SerializableResultSetMetaData did not have the classname for the column set.
    * [ JBAS-4662 ] XADatasource property names are not using the javabean convention
    * [ JBAS-4673 ] SARDeployer should throw an error if there is more than one loader repository
    * [ JBAS-4753 ] ExternalContext can pass duplicate interfaces to Proxy.newProxyInstance(loader, interfaces, handler)
    * [ JBAS-4766 ] HTTP session replication failover failures with async buddy replication
    * [ JBAS-4805 ] InitialContextFactory.getHAContext() should not use hardcoded localhost for lookup
    * [ JBAS-4815 ] UnifiedInvokerProxyHA - Client instance check and assignment should be atomic
    * [ JBAS-4870 ] Redelivery flags not updated in case of JBossMQ node failure
    * [ JBAS-4892 ] WebService ignores java.rmi.server.codebase system property
    * [ JBAS-4897 ] CVE-2007-5461: Information Leak in Tomcat Webdav Servlet
    * [ JBAS-4911 ] MSSQLValidConnectionChecker throws exception with MS SQL Server 2005 JDBC driver
    * [ JBAS-4921 ] Web service deployment: web.xml modified to web.xml.org - Subsequent runs fail
    * [ JBAS-4927 ] Code added in 4.2.1 breaks web app that works in 4.2.0
    * [ JBAS-4934 ] JBossCacheWrapper should not re-use data gravitation option
    * [ JBAS-4938 ] source tarball contains non free code
    * [ JBAS-4943 ] jboss-ds_1_5.dtd is wrong
    * [ JBAS-4945 ] Messages transfered from DLQ to working queue will never be resent to DLQ
    * [ JBAS-4950 ] Transaction failover authorisation is broken within UnifiedInvokerHAProxy
    * [ JBAS-4964 ] txFailoverAuthorizations should be keyed on transaction propagation context
    * [ JBAS-4969 ] Security-domain name entry in options map causing exception in custom login modules
    * [ JBAS-4975 ] Usage of read-ahead on-find with entity beans containing binary attributes (mapped to BLOB, VARBINAR, ...) breaks eager loading.
    * [ JBAS-4994 ] ReplyHeaderFilter reports old versions: Servlet 2.4, Tomcat-5.5
    * [ JBAS-5014 ] EJBMethodPermission implies should check for null methodname and methodSig==""
    * [ JBAS-5015 ] Deploy entity beans in Oracle 11g on JBoss 4.2.1 and JBoss 4.2.1
    * [ JBAS-5020 ] Incorrect system property usage in JMX console clustering service
    * [ JBAS-5026 ] NPE in JvmRouteValve.handleJvmRoute
    * [ JBAS-5049 ] NoInitialContextException on deployment of EAR that contains MDB and persistence.xml
    * [ JBAS-5063 ] JBoss 4.2.2 doesn't work with JSF RI 1.2_07
    * [ JBAS-5068 ] Possible NullPointerException in DistributedReplicantManager#_add()
    * [ JBAS-5072 ] Fix null pointer exception when getting keys, values, or entry's in the ConcurrentHashmap
    * [ JBAS-5080 ] Need to check transaction status on SQL operations
    * [ JBAS-5091 ] BuddyCommunicationTimeout is too low
    * [ JBAS-5105 ] PostgreSQL Entity Command for jdbc2pm is Not Working Properly
    * [ JBAS-5108 ] Twiddle should print out 'invoke' results, even when no propertyeditor for the returned object is found
    * [ JBAS-5109 ] Web context and servlet paramters not available in WebMetaData
    * [ JBAS-5112 ] WebXMLRewriter leaks input stream
    * [ JBAS-5127 ] Hardcoded partition name in cluster-examples-service.xml
    * [ JBAS-5142 ] cmp2.x jdbc2 pm: missing a join in a collection path translating "member of"
    * [ JBAS-5149 ] 'webservices' meta data (jboss.xml) not available for ejb3 web service endpoints
    * [ JBAS-5189 ] Txn-Manager arjuna commits data after timeout in long transactions
    * [ JBAS-5206 ] Can't start JBoss 5 with a pure JRE installation
    * [ JBAS-5220 ] twiddle not displaying info regarding java.lang:* beans when 
-Djavax.management.builder.initial=org.jboss.system.server.jmx.MBeanServerBuilderImpl is used .
    * [ JBAS-5228 ] Race condition maintaining acknowledgements when pushing messages to the client
    * [ JBAS-5275 ] org.jboss.test.security.test.XMLLoginModulesUnitTestCase failing on Z-servers
    * [ JBAS-5317 ] org.jboss.test.security.test.HttpsUnitTestCase failing with the IBM jvm
    * [ JBAS-5354 ] Need to improve error handling around thread pool errors
    * [ JBAS-5364 ] UnifiedInvokerHAProxy can throw NullPointerException under load
    * [ JBAS-5428 ] Addition of undocumented feature has caused a bug in normal behaviour
    * [ JBAS-5431 ] PooledInvokerProxy is not using the TPC factory setup by the UserTransaction client
    * [ JBAS-5444 ] remove twiddle.bat/shutdown.bat %ARGS% processing in favour of %*
    * [ JBAS-5459 ] JDBCStartCommand fails with index already exists
    * [ JBAS-5475 ] NullPointerException when no invoker proxy bindings configured
    * [ JBAS-5479 ] SSLSessionInterceptor has a copy/paste error in invokeHome method
    * [ JBAS-5492 ] ClusteredSingleSignOn dead member cleaner throws NPE
    * [ JBAS-5502 ] Enabling JBossMQ XA recovery fails
    * [ JBAS-5526 ] DB Connections established which fail check-valid-connection-sql do not immediatly close their connection
    * [ JBAS-5528 ] If SingletonStatelessSessionInstancePool is used for a SLSB, container MBean state is reported incorrectly
    * [ JBAS-5568 ] sample-binding.xml does not work for jboss-messaging-1.4
    * [ JBAS-5571 ] When JBossMQ does XA recovery it should always write the XID to the log
    * [ JBAS-5574 ] Don't log an error for BMT Stateful not completing their transactions
    * [ JBAS-5608 ] Removing a session from a clustered sso entry removes all sessions
    * [ JBAS-5612 ] MySQLValidConnectionChecker is not serializable
    * [ JBAS-5613 ] OracleValidConnectionChecker is not serializable
    * [ JBAS-5623 ] JMS ActivationSpec 'acknowledgeMode' does not follow spec recommendation
    * [ JBAS-5639 ] org.jboss.test.util.test.PropertyEditorsUnitTestCase failing on Z-systems
    * [ JBAS-5644 ] Incorrect containerName attribute setting in valves
    * [ JBAS-5657 ] JSP source code exposure in jmx-console
    * [ JBAS-5670 ] Using MessageConsumers with Message Selector make messages stuck in queue
    * [ JBAS-5678 ] closed jdbc connection before transaction rollback is called
    * [ JBAS-5696 ] removal of entity with self-referencing CMR and fk-constraint
    * [ JBAS-5706 ] Default session metadata replication too infrequent
    * [ JBAS-5735 ] Session not reliably bound to SessionReplicationContext if SecurityAssocationValve not present


    * [ JBAS-4148 ] Replace Gjt code used in the ejb 2.x validation phase
    * [ JBAS-4424 ] WebAuthentication:Generate a SSOID
    * [ JBAS-4811 ] Integrate the JBossWS core testsuite in the release QA
    * [ JBAS-4874 ] Track JBoss and thirdparty dependencies for JBossAS 4.2.3
    * [ JBAS-4876 ] Re-enable JGroups message bundling
    * [ JBAS-4918 ] replace ${jboss.server.home.dir}/log references with ${jboss.server.log.dir}
    * [ JBAS-5057 ] testsuite regression org.jboss.test.security.test.EJBPermissionUnitTestCase
    * [ JBAS-5059 ] Update Service Binding configuration for JBossMessaging
    * [ JBAS-5060 ] Upgrade jfreechart to v1.0.2
    * [ JBAS-5088 ] Failing org.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.ConnectionConsumerErrorFiredUnitTestCase.testExceptionListenerFiredOnError (jrockit)
    * [ JBAS-5094 ] org.jboss.test.jaxr.scout failures
    * [ JBAS-5101 ] Re-enable JGroups message bundling
    * [ JBAS-5210 ] Expose sub-pool statistics for Improved Management.
    * [ JBAS-5226 ] ClientUserTransaction should be configured with Unified invoker
    * [ JBAS-5331 ] AOP deployer should include pluggable instrumentor jar(s)
    * [ JBAS-5402 ] Keep JBoss Cache jars out of default
    * [ JBAS-5485 ] Add mdbsessionpoolclear testcase from EJB3
    * [ JBAS-5648 ] Upgrade to jboss-jaxr-1.0.2.SP1
    * [ JBAS-5650 ] Merge clustering fixes from EAP branch
    * [ JBAS-5677 ] Add discussion of usage of FC to Clustering Guide
    * [ JBAS-5702 ] Add JDBC4 support to DataSourceInterceptor
    * [ JBAS-5710 ] Get the JBoss-AS-4.2.x-TestSuite-sun15 passing
    * [ JBAS-5711 ] Get the JBoss-AS-4.2.x-TestSuite-jrockit15 passing
    * [ JBAS-5712 ] Add JDBC4 support to Branch_4_2
    * [ JBAS-5720 ] Get a JBoss-AS-4.2.x-TestSuite-sun15-sun16 going
    * [ JBAS-5721 ] Get a JBoss-AS-4.2.x-TestSuite-sun16-sun16 going
    * [ JBAS-5722 ] Get all the testsuites passing
    * [ JBAS-5723 ] Verify JBoss-AS-4.2.x-CompatibilityMatrix
    * [ JBAS-5724 ] Verify TCK1.4 tests are passing
    * [ JBAS-5725 ] Verify EJB3 tests are passing
    * [ JBAS-5726 ] Verify JBossWS testsuite
    * [ JBAS-5731 ] JaxWS 2.0 / JaxWS 2.1 support for Branch_4_2
    * [ JBAS-5748 ] Update links in ROOT.war/index.html
    * [ JBAS-5750 ] Update the interoperability tests matrix with 4.2.2.GA client libs
    * [ JBAS-5765 ] Make release notes for 4.2.3.GA


    * [ JBAS-4875 ] Upgrade jboss transactions to 4.2.3.SP7 (from 4.2.3.SP6)
    * [ JBAS-4877 ] Upgrade JSF to 1.2_08
    * [ JBAS-4925 ] Upgrade jboss cache to 1.4.1.SP7 (from 1.4.1.SP5)
    * [ JBAS-4933 ] Upgrade to jbossxb 1.0.0.SP3 (from 1.0.0.SP1)
    * [ JBAS-4955 ] All the known bind address properties should be set to the default bind address
    * [ JBAS-4962 ] Upgrade jboss remoting to v2.2.2.SP5 (from v2.2.2.SP1)
    * [ JBAS-4981 ] Transaction variable is not reset in ejb2 inflow interceptor
    * [ JBAS-4996 ] Upgrade jbossws to 2.0.4.GA (from 2.0.1.SP2)
    * [ JBAS-5082 ] Add a transaction status interface for the connection manager and implement it in TxConnectionManager
    * [ JBAS-5083 ] Add the transaction active check to the jdbc resource adapter
    * [ JBAS-5084 ] Add the transaction active check to the jms resource adapter
    * [ JBAS-5170 ] 4.2.x fix to get HA Singleton election policies working in heterogeneous topologies
    * [ JBAS-5498 ] JDK6: org.jboss.test.security.test.LoginModulesUnitTestCase
    * [ JBAS-5727 ] Upgrade javassist to 3.8.0.GA
    * [ JBAS-5729 ] Upgrade jboss remoting to v2.2.2.SP8 (from v2.2.2.SP5)
    * [ JBAS-5753 ] fix org.jboss.test.jbossmx.compliance.objectname.MalformedTestCase
    * [ JBAS-5754 ] Get tests-webservice passing
    * [ JBAS-5755 ] org.jboss.test.jca.test.StatisticsFormatterUnitTestCase.testXmlFormatterStatistics
    * [ JBAS-5758 ] fix iiop tests
    * [ JBAS-5764 ] Upgrade to the latest JSF implementation 1.2_09 (from 1.2_08)
    * [ JBAS-5768 ] Upgrade JBoss Cache to 1.4.1.SP9
    * [ JBAS-5769 ] Fix org.jboss.test.jca.test.BackgroundValidationUnitTestCase.testDeployedBackgroundValidationFailure
    * [ JBAS-5770 ] fix 3 org.jboss.test.jca.test.JDBCStatementTestsConnectionUnitTestCase failures
    * [ JBAS-5772 ] org.jboss.test.cluster.test/FamilyClusterInfoUnitTestCase(Default-TCP)/testSynchronization


    * [ JBAS-4478 ] ignore local ant options when building
    * [ JBAS-5073 ] fix build authenticated proxy (there seems to have been a cut and paste error at some point)
    * [ JBAS-5527 ] jboss_4_0.dtd should include support for SingletonStatelessSessionInstancePool
개발/시스템 | Posted by 은우 아빠 2009. 3. 16. 15:08

JBoss 5.0.0 변경 내역

Detailed Release Notes
Includes versions: JBossAS-5.0.0.GA
Feature Request

    * [ JBAS-70 ] Security event listener that could be plugged in to listen to authentication and authorization events.
    * [ JBAS-3767 ] Create a canonical "JndiServiceMBeanSupport" useful for binding objects to JNDI
    * [ JBAS-3997 ] getManagedConnection retries
    * [ JBAS-4588 ] DeploymentSorter in the new profile service based deployment scanner
    * [ JBAS-5192 ] ServiceBindingManager that can handle pojo services
    * [ JBAS-5348 ] Move remoting configuration into deploy
    * [ JBAS-5535 ] Modularisation of the JBoss Bootstrap
    * [ JBAS-5545 ] Implement the jsr77 view on top of the new deployers/profileservice/mc
    * [ JBAS-5766 ] Add new aop deployers
    * [ JBAS-5900 ] jars are not loaded from the lib directory of a sar in JBoss AS 5
    * [ JBAS-5960 ] EJB2: Lack of security domain in JBoss DD does not bypass security
    * [ JBAS-5966 ] Migrate TomcatService mbean deployment descriptor to mc bean descriptor
    * [ JBAS-5974 ] Turn of deployment of base-aspects.xml by default
    * [ JBAS-5975 ] Switch to MC based AOP deployers
    * [ JBAS-5989 ] Security Beans need ManagedObject annotations
    * [ JBAS-5998 ] Add resources filtering to MetaDataAwareProfile
    * [ JBAS-6013 ] Support createDestination in jboss/message-driven
    * [ JBAS-6032 ] Refactor AOPClassLoaderDeployer
    * [ JBAS-6058 ] Web descriptors parsing
    * [ JBAS-6070 ] Need an overview of the profile service in the 5.0 docs
    * [ JBAS-6088 ] Add simple cache / cluster support for Spring beans
    * [ JBAS-6099 ] add alternate, not meta data based JSF injection provider
    * [ JBAS-6130 ] AS5:JACC: * in web.xml should allow configurable authorization bypass
    * [ JBAS-6136 ] Pojoize the jca configuration
    * [ JBAS-6158 ] Reduce the distribution size by sharing the libraries between the all and default configs
    * [ JBAS-6182 ] Add support for JBC MVCC locking in Hibernate 2nd Level Cache configs
    * [ JBAS-6205 ] Make server.log logging level configurable via system property
    * [ JBAS-6223 ] Externalize the DeploymentRepository attachments location
    * [ JBAS-6267 ] Introduce SecurityContextInterceptor in the ejb2 proxy


    * [ JBAS-2149 ] ByValueContainerInvoker
    * [ JBAS-5081 ] New transaction manager does not implement TransactionTimeoutConfiguration properly
    * [ JBAS-5114 ] MessageDriven EJB3 does not create destination automatically
    * [ JBAS-5115 ] Valid jboss-app.xml file not recognized correctly by jbossxb runtime
    * [ JBAS-5209 ] Hot deployment scanner deploys files which were expected to be filtered
    * [ JBAS-5301 ] JaasSecurityManagerService.startService - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: handler exists
    * [ JBAS-5412 ] BaseLocalProxyFactory should not check for explicit security context
    * [ JBAS-5689 ] Not seeing bootstrap ManagedDeployment/ManagedComponents
    * [ JBAS-5732 ] Deployment of @WebService fails
    * [ JBAS-5767 ] Security schemas
    * [ JBAS-5895 ] OptAnnotationMetaDataDeployer is processing too many classes
    * [ JBAS-5942 ] Session replication with passivation causes inconsistent session data
    * [ JBAS-5943 ] JRMPInvokerProxyHA should not failover if PooledInvokerProxy.invoke() throws 
java.rmi.ConnectException with cause of java.io.EOFException
    * [ JBAS-5951 ] ProfileService unit tests are not validating persistence of updates
    * [ JBAS-5964 ] NPE in expiration of passivated sessions
    * [ JBAS-5968 ] NullPointerException in WebServiceDeployerEJB
    * [ JBAS-5978 ] Mask password logging in ServiceConfigurator
    * [ JBAS-5979 ] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/aop/pointcut/ast/PointcutExpressionParserVisitor in EJB client
    * [ JBAS-5999 ] EJBTimerServiceImpl timerServiceMap access should be synchronized
    * [ JBAS-6002 ] NPE for JSF managed beans.
    * [ JBAS-6007 ] Wrong bean name when EJB is not deployed within an ear
    * [ JBAS-6017 ] JRMPProxyFactory should rebind the proxy in JNDI rather than just bind it
    * [ JBAS-6028 ] Bootstrap dependencies failure of ejb3 session beans
    * [ JBAS-6040 ] Ensure correct TCCL is set before accessing clustered web session cache
    * [ JBAS-6041 ] let the web metadata override a default context-param
    * [ JBAS-6044 ] JMX console invokeOp confused ObjectName encoding
    * [ JBAS-6056 ] UserTransaction cannot be deployed as clustered proxy and sticky transactions randomly work
    * [ JBAS-6060 ] Tolerate security domain convention in JBoss DD
    * [ JBAS-6062 ] Exploded WAR archive with no web.xml is no longer supported
    * [ JBAS-6067 ] XACML policy is not removed when deployment unit is undeployed
    * [ JBAS-6068 ] Mask passwords in the Deployers
    * [ JBAS-6077 ] seam-int: hot-redeploys occur constantly on JBoss 5 trunk
    * [ JBAS-6076 ] Seam war not using jboss-seam-int
    * [ JBAS-6093 ] Exposing the EMF in JNDI via jboss.entity.manager.factory.jndi.name doesn't work in JBoss 5.0.0.CR2
    * [ JBAS-6098 ] juddi-service.sar bundles juddi.jar & scout.jar
    * [ JBAS-6107 ] Seam hibernate and jpa examples throw ZipExceptions during deployment - but the jars are valid
    * [ JBAS-6110 ] Tomcat status in the web-console missing logo
    * [ JBAS-6111 ] Ensure hibernate.cache.region_prefix is specified by PersistenceUnitDeployment
    * [ JBAS-6116 ] UserTransaction.commit()/rollback() are not fully compliant with the JTA standard
    * [ JBAS-6117 ] IOException in VFS while undeploying a Seam example
    * [ JBAS-6131 ] EJB1.1 isCallerInRole must throw RTE if role is not found in deployment descriptor
    * [ JBAS-6135 ] Concurrent connection of HAPartition channels fails
    * [ JBAS-6147 ] Profile.getModifiedDeployments() does not ignore .bak file
    * [ JBAS-6149 ] connectionMap.remove in WrapperDatasourceService never called
    * [ JBAS-6153 ] Transaction sticky target not available should be thrown as ServiceUnavailableException
    * [ JBAS-6161 ] Two ears with a same named jar fails to deploy
    * [ JBAS-6162 ] Error logged when attempting to passivate invalidated session
    * [ JBAS-6165 ] NPE in TransactionScopedEntityManager
    * [ JBAS-6174 ] shutdown.jar is missing classes
    * [ JBAS-6176 ] appclient doesn't declare a dependency on persistence unit
    * [ JBAS-6177 ] Error on jchannel.getState() right after connect (even with flush)
    * [ JBAS-6181 ] cannot secure jmx invoker service
    * [ JBAS-6193 ] JBossCacheManager leaks ReplicationStatistics.TimeStatistic
    * [ JBAS-6194 ] Move transaction sticky logic in proxy to interceptors to avoid bottleneck
    * [ JBAS-6206 ] JBossManager sets invalid session cookie after failover
    * [ JBAS-6207 ] update jts install for new lib layout
    * [ JBAS-6209 ] DelegatingClassloader is trying to get the parent in an unprivileged block
    * [ JBAS-6214 ] Default port bindings overriding (bindings.xml) doesn't work.
    * [ JBAS-6224 ] SecurityContextEstablishmentValve is making expensive loadClass calls
    * [ JBAS-6229 ] Resolving of relative persistence units doesn't work
    * [ JBAS-6231 ] jboss.messaging.jar (server) on /client
    * [ JBAS-6239 ] Regression on run-as in a MDB
    * [ JBAS-6241 ] EJB TIMERS Table Creation Fails When Oracle Schema Specified
    * [ JBAS-6243 ] EJB2: Reintroduce explicit run as check before authentication
    * [ JBAS-6252 ] Messaging release is missing connection-factories-service.xml
    * [ JBAS-6256 ] NPE during undeployment of test artifact /bundled-myfaces-hellojsf.war
    * [ JBAS-6275 ] Fix *both* 4.2.x & 5.0.x compatibility matrix tests


    * [ JBAS-2563 ] Cleanup the build for jboss5
    * [ JBAS-3916 ] Update source code headers.
    * [ JBAS-4370 ] SecurityDeployer: XACML/acl Policy Registration
    * [ JBAS-4814 ] Refactor the conf/jboss-service.xml services
    * [ JBAS-4967 ] Extract setting of default clustering JBossWebMetaData from TomcatDeployer
    * [ JBAS-5078 ] Validate SRP Configuration
    * [ JBAS-5234 ] Include the Windows Service Runner binary (jbossvc.exe) in the distro
    * [ JBAS-5358 ] Move remote access to profile service into deploy
    * [ JBAS-5677 ] Add discussion of usage of FC to Clustering Guide
    * [ JBAS-5778 ] Improve HttpSessionListener handling in clustered environment
    * [ JBAS-5794 ] Administration and configuration guide
    * [ JBAS-5795 ] Administration and configuration guide
    * [ JBAS-5872 ] Update org.jboss.test.compatibility.test.SerialVersionUIDUnitTestCase
    * [ JBAS-5873 ] Create JBoss-AS-5.0.x-CompatibilityMatrix test run based on the 4.2.x one
    * [ JBAS-5883 ] Unify name usage in ProfileService
    * [ JBAS-5908 ] ClientUserTransactionObjectFactory is inefficient
    * [ JBAS-5930 ] Investigate ENC issues to obtain JBoss Security Manager in the web layer
    * [ JBAS-5945 ] Make JBossCacheClusteredSession.initAfterLoad() part of an override of update()
    * [ JBAS-5958 ] Fix any remaining testsuite failures
    * [ JBAS-5963 ] ClientUserTransaction should log cause exceptions
    * [ JBAS-5977 ] FIXME the HackClassloaderMetaDataDeployer boot WARN
    * [ JBAS-5988 ] AS5 Codebase Privileged Blocks
    * [ JBAS-5994 ] Switch to repository based ProfileService as the default
    * [ JBAS-6023 ] Inject Naming instance into DetachedHANamingService
    * [ JBAS-6030 ] Uncomment @JMX annotation in deployers.xml to enable JMX management of DeployersImpl
    * [ JBAS-6039 ] Change JGroups thread pool rejection policy to 'Discard'
    * [ JBAS-6064 ] JSR-196 integration for web layer
    * [ JBAS-6080 ] On Linux, HA-JNDI to pass SocketAddress to MulticastSocket constructor
    * [ JBAS-6081 ] Remove TUNNEL config
    * [ JBAS-6084 ] Reduce Logging Visibility when setting DefaultJndiBindingPolicy (when not explicitly specified)
    * [ JBAS-6087 ] Reduce the excessive logging
    * [ JBAS-6090 ] Convert legacy clustered services to pojo configuration
    * [ JBAS-6091 ] Allow JRMPInvoker to work as an MC bean
    * [ JBAS-6103 ] Review the 'minimal' config
    * [ JBAS-6105 ] Improve start-up time
    * [ JBAS-6109 ] ClusteredSession should not subclass StandardSession
    * [ JBAS-6129 ] Missing licenses
    * [ JBAS-6132 ] Revert to AS 4 behavior of handling distributable webapps in default config
    * [ JBAS-6143 ] Remove legacy persistence unit resolving functions from appclient and tomcat
    * [ JBAS-6148 ] Port metadata awareness to the repository profileservice
    * [ JBAS-6154 ] Verify JAXB version for 5.0.0.GA release
    * [ JBAS-6159 ] Make an integration abstraction for the UserTransactionListener and CachedConnectionManager
    * [ JBAS-6160 ] Component Update to jboss-ejb3-as-int
    * [ JBAS-6163 ] JACC: Look at the cmp2-audit.jar for security domain
    * [ JBAS-6169 ] Make "bootstrap" module reusable
    * [ JBAS-6170 ] Update package names moved from "main" to "bootstrap"
    * [ JBAS-6172 ] org.jboss.system.server.Server should be JVM-agnostic
    * [ JBAS-6183 ] ATTRIBUTE granularity clustered session should store attribute in same JBC node as metadata
    * [ JBAS-6184 ] Eliminate a JBC Fqn level in clustered session caching
    * [ JBAS-6186 ] Use JBossWebMetaData to drive DistributedCacheManagerFactory
    * [ JBAS-6189 ] Add plain reports to the test target
    * [ JBAS-6201 ] Eliminate injection of DistributedReplicantManagerImpl into ClusterPartition
    * [ JBAS-6237 ] Remove the old JMX kernel's dependency on the Deployment layer
    * [ JBAS-6238 ] Remove JBossMQ from the 5.0.0 branch
    * [ JBAS-6249 ] Pick a different port for the JBM Data channel's MPING
    * [ JBAS-6254 ] Provide an implementation for ejb3 CachedConnectionManager SPI
    * [ JBAS-6261 ] Rename cluster-jboss-beans.xml to hapartition-jboss-beans.xml
    * [ JBAS-6263 ] Use Microcontainer to build JBC configs
    * [ JBAS-6271 ] Create a 'standard' config out of the 'cts' one.
    * [ JBAS-6273 ] Create release notes for AS 5.0.0.GA
    * [ JBAS-6279 ] Remove assumption about who master is from HA Singleton test cases
    * [ JBAS-6280 ] Refresh the communit docs


    * [ JBAS-3858 ] Update jbossweb-cluster.aop to match the current configuration
    * [ JBAS-5349 ] Test bootstrap dependencies
    * [ JBAS-5370 ] Deploy an ear/war app through ProfileService
    * [ JBAS-5856 ] SBM-compatible JBM remoting connector config
    * [ JBAS-5858 ] Add @JMX annotation to ServiceBindingManager
    * [ JBAS-5953 ] JBoss-AS-5.0.x-TestSuite-sun16-sun16 - org.jboss.test.jmx.test.UndeployBrokenPackageUnitTestCase
    * [ JBAS-5969 ] Remove dependency of AOP on VFSDeploymentUnit
    * [ JBAS-5970 ] Remove dependency of AOP on ServiceMBeanSupport
    * [ JBAS-5984 ] Make names unique in jbossweb-cluster.aop/META-INF/jboss-aop.xml
    * [ JBAS-5985 ] Make the switch in aop.xml and deployers.xml
    * [ JBAS-5986 ] Remove jboss-aop.xml from the deployment for aop.AnnotatedTestCase and aop.ScopedAnnotatedTestCase
    * [ JBAS-5987 ] Add new tests for scoped aspects with dependencies
    * [ JBAS-5996 ] Move TomcatDeployer.securityManagerService injection out of the deployer
    * [ JBAS-5997 ] iiop-service.xml is missing naming service dependencies
    * [ JBAS-6036 ] Add tests for restart of server to validate profileservice overrides are applied
    * [ JBAS-6037 ] Restore ProfileService attachments persistence
    * [ JBAS-6042 ] Remove the user of LoaderRepositoryConfig as an attachment
    * [ JBAS-6055 ] Use the enforcer plugin to avoid bringing in duplicate/wrong dependencies
    * [ JBAS-6082 ] JUDDIService.setBindJaxr cannot attempt to bind into jndi
    * [ JBAS-6083 ] HAPartitionCacheHandler.cache injection is broken
    * [ JBAS-6096 ] Upgrade ha-server-cache-jbc
    * [ JBAS-6121 ] Upgrate JAXR to 1.2.1.GA
    * [ JBAS-6124 ] regression - org.jboss.test.jcaprops.test.*
    * [ JBAS-6125 ] regression - org.jboss.test.deployers.seam.test.SeamVFSClassloadingUnitTestCase
    * [ JBAS-6139 ] Create a hudson job that builds using a clean local maven repo.
    * [ JBAS-6141 ] Upgrade to jboss-server-manager 1.0.0.GA and jboss-test 1.1.3.GA
    * [ JBAS-6146 ] JBoss-AS-5.0.x-TestSuite-jrockit16-jrockit16 - server all fails to shutdown
    * [ JBAS-6151 ] Upgrade JBossXACML dependency to 2.0.2.SP1
    * [ JBAS-6166 ] regression - org.jboss.test.security.test.authorization.XACMLEJBIntegrationUnitTestCase
    * [ JBAS-6167 ] Restore the ServerInfo bean/mbean
    * [ JBAS-6168 ] Modify the Bootstrap spi to pass the kernel deployments loaded by the Server bootstrap
    * [ JBAS-6178 ] JBoss-AS-5.0.x-CompatibilityMatrix Failures
    * [ JBAS-6187 ] Break out profileservice spi from jboss-system.jar
    * [ JBAS-6190 ] repository based ProfileService hot deployment is not working
    * [ JBAS-6191 ] VFS URL Handler Stubs for JDK PolicyFile implementation to read vfs entries
    * [ JBAS-6198 ] Javadoc for ManagedOperation.invoke() says it will return a MetaValue, but it's returning unwrapped Objects
    * [ JBAS-6199 ] break out profileservice spis as a separate project
    * [ JBAS-6203 ] "config-property" property on Local Datasource managed component returns incorrect MetaType
    * [ JBAS-6210 ] common core to 2.2.10.GA
    * [ JBAS-6211 ] jboss integration to 5.0.2.GA
    * [ JBAS-6215 ] when creating a new Datasource via managementView.applyTemplate(), if the "metadata" 
CompositeValue property contains no items or a null-valued item, the ds.xml file is written with an empty "metadata" 
element, which causes the deployer to complain
    * [ JBAS-6216 ] ManagementView.getComponentsForType(type) returns null, rather than an empty Set, if no Components of the specified 
type are deployed
    * [ JBAS-6217 ] JBossWebRealm->enableAuditFlag should be false by default
    * [ JBAS-6234 ] ManagedProperty contains certain metadata that is not contained in MetaType
    * [ JBAS-6245 ] org.jboss.test.asynch.AsynchTestCase
    * [ JBAS-6246 ] org.jboss.test.web.test.JSFIntegrationUnitTestCase
    * [ JBAS-6247 ] org.jboss.test.xml.DDValidatorUnitTestCase
    * [ JBAS-6248 ] org.jboss.test.profileservice.override.test.JmsDestinationOverrideTestCase
    * [ JBAS-6251 ] 15 failures in JBossWS-3.0.4.GA-testsuite-AS5.0.x
    * [ JBAS-6253 ] Management interface for HAPartition and DRM
    * [ JBAS-6255 ] 8 test-aop-scoped failures
    * [ JBAS-6269 ] regression - org.jboss.test.refs.test.ResourceResolutionUnitTestCase.testClientORBResources
    * [ JBAS-6270 ] ManagementView.getDeploymentNames does not show the bootstrap deployment names

Thirdparty Change

    * [ JBAS-5597 ] Track jboss and thirdparty dependencies upgrades for JBoss 5.0.0.GA

Component Upgrade

    * [ JBAS-5382 ] Upgrade PojoCache to 3.0.0.GA
    * [ JBAS-5894 ] Upgrade jboss AOP to 2.0.0.GA
    * [ JBAS-5919 ] Upgrade jboss transactions to 4.4.0.GA
    * [ JBAS-5927 ] Upgrade jboss-integration spis to 5.0.1.GA
    * [ JBAS-6004 ] Upgrade jbossws to 3.0.4.GA
    * [ JBAS-6015 ] Upgrade seam-integration to 5.0.0.GA
    * [ JBAS-6016 ] Upgrade JBossWeb to 2.1.1.GA
    * [ JBAS-6018 ] Upgrade jboss-javaee apis to 5.0.0.GA
    * [ JBAS-6019 ] Upgrade JBoss Aspects to their final version
    * [ JBAS-6021 ] Upgrade jboss-security to 2.0.2.SP3
    * [ JBAS-6022 ] Upgrade jboss vfs to 2.0.0.GA
    * [ JBAS-6024 ] Upgrade jbossxb to 2.0.0.GA
    * [ JBAS-6025 ] Upgrade to jnp-client/server 5.0.0.GA
    * [ JBAS-6026 ] Upgrade jboss-messaging to 1.4.1.GA
    * [ JBAS-6045 ] Upgrade jboss-microcontainer to 2.0.0.GA
    * [ JBAS-6046 ] Upgrade jboss-managed/metatype to 2.0.0.GA
    * [ JBAS-6048 ] Upgrade jboss-deployers to 2.0.0.GA
    * [ JBAS-6049 ] Upgrade jboss-reflect to 2.0.0.GA
    * [ JBAS-6050 ] Upgrade jboss-mdr to 2.0.0.GA
    * [ JBAS-6051 ] Upgrade jboss-classloading to 2.0.1.GA
    * [ JBAS-6053 ] Upgrade jboss-jaxbintros to a final release
    * [ JBAS-6063 ] Upgrade javassist to 3.9.0.GA
    * [ JBAS-6065 ] Upgrade jgroups
    * [ JBAS-6079 ] Upgrade JBoss Cache to 3.0.1.GA
    * [ JBAS-6100 ] JBoss Remoting update needed
    * [ JBAS-6233 ] Upgrade jboss-reflect to 2.0.1.GA
개발/시스템 | Posted by 은우 아빠 2009. 3. 10. 09:38

JBoss 설정하기

Boss 설정하기

# jboss설치
-http://labs.jboss.com/ 에서 최근버전을 받아서 압축을 푼다
-자바 환경변수는 1.5버전을 추천한다. 
-JBOSS_HOME/bin/run.bat 실행 후 http://localhost:8080/으로 확인한다.
-JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/root.war 이 경로가 디폴트로 보여진다.

# jboss deploy 폴더 설정
-JBOSS_HOME/server/default/conf/jboss-service.xml의 아래 예시와 같이 콤마(,)를 구분자로 하여 배포파일 또는 폴더를 추가한다.
-디폴트는 deploy/ 폴더이고 경로의 끝에 슬래쉬(/)를 붙이면 폴더로 인식한다.
-주의할 점은 jar, war, ear같은 파일뒤에 슬래쉬를 붙이면 deploy 되지 않지만 JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy폴더 속에 aaa.jar 과 같은 이름의 폴더는 deploy 가능하다.

      <attribute name="URLs">
# jboss 오라클 드라이버 설정
-ojdbc14.zip를 JBOSS_HOME/server/default/lib 폴더에 복사
-JBOSS_HOME/docs/examples/jca/oracle-ds.xml을 JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy 폴더에 복사
-oracle-ds.xml를 아래와 같이 수정
-jboss를 restart하면 콘솔에서
[WrapperDataSourceService] Bound ConnectionManager 'jboss.jca:service=DataSourceBinding,name=oracle' to JNDI name 'java:oracle'
메시지 확인 가능  
-WEB-INF/web.xml 수정
# 기타 라이브러리 추가
ojdbc.jar 파일 등 
서비스시 필요한 라이브러리는 JBOSS_HOME/server/default/lib 폴더에 복사한다

# 서비스 루트 설정
WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml 아래 소스 추가 또는 수정

# 서비스 설정이 되었다면 이클립스로 가서 유저 라이브러리를 설정해 ejb를 사용해 보자. 
이클립스를 실행하고 환경설정에 가서 JAVA 항목으로 간다. 
두번째 유저 라이브러리 항목을 설정하고 EJB 라는 이름을 라이브러리를 만든다.
그리고 필요한 jar 파일을 가져오자. 

개발/시스템 | Posted by 은우 아빠 2009. 1. 9. 14:49

netstat의 TCP 연결 상태 의미

netstat의 TCP 연결 상태 의미  

netstat의 State 필드에 표시되는 TCP 상태표시가 갖는 의미를 알아봅시다.
RFC 793 문서에 있는 TCP 기본 연결, 종료 과정을 보면 이해가 더 빠를 거라 생각한다.

# netstat -atn
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address          Foreign Address       State
... 생략 ...
tcp        0      0   *             LISTEN      <-- 포트가 열렸음
tcp        0      0   ESTABLISHED <-- 서로 연결중
tcp        0      0   218.xxx.xx.xx:22      ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0    CLOSE_WAIT  <-- 종료 대기중
tcp        0      0   211.xxx.xx.x:80       ESTABLISHED
... 생략 ...

1) TCP 연결관련 상태

* RFC 793문서에 나온 기본적인 TCP 연결 과정

      TCP A                                                      TCP B

  1.  CLOSED                                                     LISTEN
  2.  SYN-SENT    --> < SEQ=100>< CTL=SYN>                   --> SYN-RECEIVED
  3.  ESTABLISHED <-- < SEQ=300>< ACK=101>< CTL=SYN,ACK>     <-- SYN-RECEIVED
  4.  ESTABLISHED --> < SEQ=101>< ACK=301>< CTL=ACK>         --> ESTABLISHED
  5.  ESTABLISHED --> < SEQ=101>< ACK=301>< CTL=ACK>< DATA>  --> ESTABLISHED

LISTEN      : 데몬이 요청을 발을 수 있도록 연결 요구를 기다리는 상태
  즉, 포트가 열려있음을 의미. http(80), mail(25), ftp(21), telnet(23) 등
  위에서 포트 25(mail)이 메일을 받을 수 있도록 열려 있는 상태
  윈도우즈에서는 LISTENING으로 표시
SYN_SENT    : 로컬에서 원격으로 연결 요청(SYN 신호를 보냄)을 시도한 상태
SYN_RECV    : 원격으로 부터 연결 요청을 받은 상태
  요청을 받아 SYN+ACK 신호로 응답은 한 상태이지만 ACK는 받지 못했다.
  netstat로 확인할 때 SYN_RECV가 상당히 많다면 TCP SYN 플러딩(Flooding) 공격일
  가능성이 있다.
  윈도우즈와 솔라리스에서는 SYN_RECEIVED으로, FreeBSD는 SYN_RCVD으로 표시
ESTABLISHED : 서로 연결이 되어 있는 상태
  위에서의 포트 32794과 218.xxx.xx.xx의 포트 22(ssh)이 서로
  연결되어 있는 상태

2) TCP 종료관련 상태

* 정상적인 연결 종료 과정

      TCP A                                                   TCP B

  1.  ESTABLISHED                                             ESTABLISHED
  2.  (Close)
      FIN-WAIT-1  --> < SEQ=100>< ACK=300>< CTL=FIN,ACK>  --> CLOSE-WAIT
  3.  FIN-WAIT-2  <-- < SEQ=300>< ACK=101>< CTL=ACK>      <-- CLOSE-WAIT
  4.                                                         (Close)
      TIME-WAIT   <-- < SEQ=300>< ACK=101>< CTL=FIN,ACK>  <-- LAST-ACK
  5.  TIME-WAIT   --> < SEQ=101>< ACK=301>< CTL=ACK>      --> CLOSED
  6.  (2 MSL)

FIN_WAIT1   : 소켓이 닫히고 연결이 종료되고 있는 상태. 원격의 응답은 받을 수 있다.
  솔라리스에서는 FIN_WAIT_1로 표시
FIN_WAIT2   : 로컬이 원격으로 부터 연결 종료 요구를 기다리는 상태
  솔라리스에서는 FIN_WAIT_2로 표시
CLOSE_WAIT  : 원격의 연결 요청을 받고 연결이 종료되기를 기다리는 상태
  원격으로 부터 FIN+ACK 신호를 받고 ACK 신호를 원격에 보냈다.
TIME_WAIT   : 연결은 종료되었으나 원격의 수신 보장을 위해 기다리고 있는 상태
  이 상태를 특히 자주 보게되는 Apache에서 KeepAlive를 OFF로 해둔 경우,
  Tomcat 서버를 쓰는 경우 등
LAST_ACK    : 연결은 종료되었고 승인을 기다리는 상태
CLOSED      : 완전히 연결이 종료된 상태

※ 위의 FIN_WAIT1, FIN_WAIT2, CLOSE_WAIT 3개 상태는 연결 종료를 위해 서로간에
   신호를 주고받는 과정에 나타나는 상태로 이해하면 된다.
   종료 요청을 한 곳에서는 FIN_WAIT1, FIN_WAIT2, TIME_WAIT 상태가
   종료 요청을 받는 곳에서는 CLOSE_WAIT, LAST_ACK 상태가 표시된다.

3) 기타

CLOSING     : 연결은 종료되었으나 전송도중 데이타가 분실된 상태
UNKNOWN     : 소켓의 상태를 알 수 없음

솔라리스의 netstat 명령에서는 다음 2개의 상태를 더 표시한다.

IDLE        : 소켓이 열렸지만 binding 되지 않은 상태
BOUND       : listen이나 연결을 위한 준비 상태